The max-p problem is a type of optimization problem in geographic and spatial analysis. It involves dividing a set of geographic areas (like counties, districts, or neighborhoods) into the largest possible number of homogeneous regions, where each region must satisfy a specific criterion. Specifically, each region must have a certain value of a spatially extensive attribute (such as population, area size, or economic output) that exceeds a predefined threshold.

Key Points:

  • Homogeneous Regions: These regions are formed to be as similar as possible internally with respect to certain attributes.
  • Spatially Extensive Attribute: This is an attribute whose value depends on the size or extent of the region (e.g., total population, total area, total income).
  • Threshold Value: Each region must meet or exceed a minimum value for this attribute, ensuring that the regions are significant in size or importance.
  • Maximization: The goal is to maximize the number of regions that can be formed while still meeting the threshold criteria.


Imagine a country divided into numerous small counties. The government wants to create administrative regions such that each region has at least 500,000 residents. The max-p problem would involve clustering the counties into the maximum number of regions, with each region containing at least 500,000 residents. The challenge is to maximize the number of these regions while ensuring no region has fewer than 500,000 residents.

  1. Endogeneity of Regions:
    • The number of regions is endogenous, meaning it is determined as part of the problem-solving process, rather than being set beforehand. This is useful in situations where the analyst does not have a fixed number of regions in mind but wants to determine how many regions naturally arise based on the data and the constraints.
  2. Formulation and Complexity:
    • The max-p problem was originally formulated as a mixed-integer problem by Duque, Anselin, and Rey in 2012.
    • It is classified as an NP-hard problem, meaning that finding an exact solution is computationally infeasible for large problem sizes because the computational resources required grow exponentially with the size of the problem.
    • Because of its complexity, exact solutions are only practical for small datasets or simple cases.
  3. Heuristic Approaches:
    • Due to the difficulty of finding exact solutions for large problems, heuristic methods are often used.
    • Heuristics provide approximate solutions that are typically found more quickly, though they might not always be optimal.
    • One such heuristic approach is implemented in PySAL (Python Spatial Analysis Library), as described by Wei, Rey, and Knaap in 2020. PySAL is a popular library for spatial analysis in Python, and it includes tools for handling complex spatial problems like the max-p problem.

Practical Implication:

For analysts working on regionalization problems, the max-p problem offers a way to create meaningful regions without needing to decide on the number of regions in advance. However, due to the problem’s complexity, especially with large datasets, they might rely on heuristic methods to get a practical solution.

This is useful in applications such as:

  • Urban Planning: Where city planners might want to divide a city into districts based on population or economic activity without predefining the number of districts.
  • Political Redistricting: Where electoral regions are drawn based on population while maximizing the number of homogeneous districts.